ISO 39001:2012

Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management Systems

What is ISO 39001:2012

Specifies requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes which it can influence. The requirements in ISO 39001:2012 include development and implementation of an appropriate RTS policy, development of RTS objectives and action plans, which take into account legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about elements and criteria related to RTS that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence.

Benefits of ISO 39001 certification to your company:

  • Improves company image

  • Reduces traffic accidents

  • Improves productivity

  • Improves working environment which leads to higher employee satisfaction

  • Cost reduction on vehicles

  • Competitive advantage toward your competitors

  • Competitive advantage in tenders

  • Less administrative procedures with insurance companies

  • Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

Benefits of ISO 39001 certification to your customers:

  • Safe and effective transportation

  • Reduced service complaints

  • Ensures quality, safety and reliability

  • Alignment regulatory laws