ISO 55001:2014

Asset management — Management systems — Requirements

How ISO 55001 works and what it delivers for you and your company?

ISO 55001 is the international standard that helps organizations effectively manage their assets to optimize their lifetime value. Increased regulatory requirements, spiralling maintenance costs, higher customer expectations, and enhanced environmental and health and safety requirements, have all led organizations to seek a better way of proactively managing them. It will deliver benefits both now and in the future, help improve your bottom line, reduce risk and improve performance. Not just a financial framework, ISO 55001 is a holistic business improvement tool that’s applicable to many kinds of organizations in many different sectors. It’s flexible and can be used to put in place a system that’s relevant to your organization, so that you can optimize the lifetime value of the assets that you are responsible for.

Benefits of ISO 55001

Manage risks

ISO 55001 certification continually reviews processes, procedures and asset performance to enable informed management decisions that balance cost, risk, opportunity and business performance. It improves your organisational efficiency and effectiveness by managing and reducing risks associated with your ownership of assets.

Supports business growth and improvement

A robust AMS certified to ISO 55001 aids improvement with formalised, prioritised and coordinated implementation plans to which your entire organisation can understand and commit.


As good practice in asset management is mostly independent of asset type, ISO 55001 enables objective comparison of your business performance across industrial sectors, between regulated/non-regulated and public/private environments.

Improved financial performance

A good AMS can facilitate improved return on investment and cost reduction without sacrificing your short or long-term organisational performance, which in turn can lead to preservation of asset value so aiding the bottom line/profit.

Improved services and organisational sustainability

Through ISO 55001 certification your organisation will effectively manage short and long-term expenditures and performance, improving sustainability. This allows your organisation to consistently meet or exceed performance and social responsibility expectations to satisfy customer and stakeholder needs.

Enhanced reputation through compliance

By ensuring transparent conformity with legal, statutory and regulatory requirements, ISO 55001 certification ensures your organisation is adhering to asset management standards, policies and processes. This leads to improved customer satisfaction, stakeholder awareness and confidence.